Once configured, export should be automatic.
A manual with specifics is available to our users on their client page.
Make sure you are running Syntermed software versions that have the update:
MCP version 3.0.5935.30662 (or greater) and SmartReport version 2.0.5935.30664 (or greater)
MCP can be configured to export ASNC ImageGuide Registry data on its edit/options/MCP menu, ImageGuide tab.
Register with ASNC.
How It Works
SmartReport allows automatic submission of data to the ASNC ImageGuide Registry
as a convenience for the user, bypassing the traditional submission process utilizing the
ASNC Data Collection Form.
Emory Toolbox can seamlessly transmit data in real time.
Emory Toolbox can
seamlessly transmit data
in real time.
ImageGuide Registry