What tomographic myocardial 
studies can Toolbox 4.0 Process 
and Review?

What tomographic myocardial studies can Toolbox 4.0 Process 
and Review?

SPECT: Tc-99m sestamibi, Tc-99m tetrofosmin, Tl-201, I-123 mIBG

PET: Rb-82, N-13 ammonia, F-18 FDG

The input data must consist of at least one set of short axis myocardial slices.

What quantitative methodology 
analysis are available?

What quantitative methodology analysis are available?

The extent and severity of stress perfusion defects

The percent of defect that is reversible

The estimated viability of resting perfusion defects

Myocaridal wall motion and estimated wall thickening, if the study was acquired with ECG-gating.

What’s new with Toolbox 4.0?

Re-written from the ground up- A Microsoft.net re-write.

Dynamic, flexible display

Dynamic display architecture allowing for real time screen resizing. Flexible display providing the ability to view multiple studies (prone/supine, AC non-AC, etc.), in a single display simultaneously, or toggle studies.

Smarter and more efficient

Smarter processing, allowing the user to see results as soon as they are available while longer running tasks continue to run in the background. Parallel processing, allowing the system to take advantage of multi-core and multi-processor hardware.

Enhanced slices page to include perfusion slices, functional gated study, quantitative results, polar maps, and AC transmission images in a single display resulting in increased user efficiency and reducing review time.

Improved processing functionality allows for gated and non-gated parameters to be reviewed on a single screen with real time updates of perfusion and functional quantitative results resulting in reduced processing and interpretation time.

New Normal DBs, optimized and DNM530c.

Ability to show borders on all Param screens (Gated , Ungated)

Comprehensive, interactive 3D display including perfusion, extent, reversibility, and coronary overlay.

Automatic interpretation using a decision support system (IDS) to provide an interpretation (2nd opinion) in SmartReport. System provides over 230 rules used to evaluate perfusion, reversibility, viability, function, & clinical findings.

Integrated, automated reporting, powered by Syntermed IDS and SmartReport.

Enhanced quality control providing gated QC, count statistics, patient motion, and imaging artifacts.

Display of indexed functional values (if height and weight are provided).

Memory - when navigating around the app, it remembers the state of all your controls (e.g. Color Bar, toolbars, etc...).

Diastolic dysfunction

Simultaneous Stress/Rest LV Dyssynchrony display

17 segment % uptake

What does the Verify page do?

It allows you to identify/verify the various images used, as well as normal file and patient gender.

What does the Params page do?

It allows you to set parameters for quantitative analysis of ungated data: center, radius, apex, base.

What does the Gated Params page 

What does the Gated Params page do?

It allows you to set parameters for functional images: center, radius, apex, base for each gate.

What does the Slices page show 

What does the Slices page show me?

It allows you to review LV slices in various formats, along with planar images and segmental perfusion scores.

What does the Polar Maps/SSS 
page show me?

What does the Polar Maps/SSS page show me?

It allows you to review polar map display of perfusion. If you have selected a PET study with rubidium and FDG images, this button will be replaced with a Match/Mismatch button.

What does the Extent / Mass page 
show me?

What does the Extent / Mass page show me?

It allows you to review quantitative perfusion defect extent.

What does the Function page show 

What does the Function page show me?

It allows you to review results of functional analysis: volumes, ejection fraction and wall thickening. Cine of beating slices is also available.

What does the Viability page show 

What does the Viability page show me?

It is a tool for assessing LV viability using the polar maps.

The 3D page is much improved, what 
does it show me?

The 3D page is much improved, what does it show me?

It allows you review 3-dimensional display of perfusion, with optional coronary artery overlays. It also allows you to asses wall motion if you play the cine. There are multiple overlays that can be selected from the dropdown menus. Blackout and Blackout Reversibilty maps for example. Left Click and hold to drag the image around to see all the walls of the ventricle.

What does the LV Dyssynchrony 
page show me?

What does the LV Dyssynchrony page show me?

It allows you to review phase analysis and LV synchrony, derived from functional analysis using SyncTool™.

Is the Report tool new?

Yes, Smart Report is our innovative industry leading Myocardial Perfusion reporting tool. It works seemlessly with Toolbox integreating the results into a natural langauge report. Free trials are available.

What is “Saved” when I Save the 

What is “Saved” when I Save the study?

All the selections on the Verify page for data type and normal file. Also the parameters set for the ungated and gated data.

Can I see the Dicom Header 
information on each of data sets?

Can I see the Dicom Header information on each of data sets?

Yes, on the Verify page, left click on File Description on any of the files available. The dicom header information will populate the table in the lower half of the page.

If I make changes to the Params or 
the Gated Params limits, when do 
the results update?

If I make changes to the Params or the Gated Params limits, 
when do the results update?

When you make a change, the results will update when you leave that page. For example, if a change in gated parameters occurs, the EF will not be updated until the user navigates away from the Gated Params screen. If values are changed that require the study to be reprocessed, the reprocessing will automatically be triggered when the user navigates away from the screen.

What is the TID Ratio?

TID is used as an index of possible Transient Ischemic Dilatation.

How is the TID Ratio calculated?

It is calculated by dividing the stress ungated endocardial volume by the rest endocardial volume. Values significantly greater than 1.0 may indicate the presence of TID.

Note: For the ECToolbox application, the accuracy and clinical value of this ratio has only been validated for the Dual-Isotope protocol. You should consult the literature regarding the potential clinical value of this ratio.

What is the colored QC button for?

The QC (Quality Control) button is available at the bottom of this and every screen in the application. Click this button to display a screen of QC findings that have been automatically performed. The color of this button indicates the outcome of QC analysis, in particular the assessment of ECG-gating (if a gated study is present).

green: no gating error was found.

yellow: a minor gating error was found (usually a drop off in counts in the last frame of the gate).

red: a serious gating error was found, one that could potentially affect the functional results.

You should review the results of automatic Gated Quality Control for any study for which the indicator button is red, since certain types of gating errors may compromise the diagnostic value of functional results.

On the Verify page, what does AC, 
MC or Dyn mean?

On the Verify page, what does AC, MC or Dyn mean?

AC means Attenuation Corrected. MC means Motion Corrected. Dyn means a dynamic study.

Some of the Normal Files have an 
asterisk beside them, what does 
that mean?

Some of the Normal Files have an asterisk beside them, what 
does that mean?

An asterisk beside a name indicates a database that has been optimized for use with the Syntermed IDS decision support system.

What is the Ht / Wt in blue at the 
top of every page used for?

What is the Ht / Wt in blue at the top of every page used for?

The patient's height and weight can be entered which will be used to calculate the indexed values for ventricular volumes based on Body Surface Area.

What do the SSS represent?

Numerical scores representing regional perfusion are shown within segmental boundaries on the Stress, Rest and Reversibility polar maps. Segmental boundaries only are displayed on the other polar maps. The scoring system is a five-point scale:

0 = Normal

1 = Equivocal

2 = Moderate Reduction in perfusion

3 = Severe Reduction in perfusion

4 = Absent perfusion

By default, the scores that are displayed are generated automatically by the application, based on two types of analysis. First, the patient is compared to the selected normal file on a regional basis. The image counts are then analyzed by IDS (Intelligent Decision Support), an artificial intelligence program, which may modify one or more of the initial scores.

Terms of use & privacy policy


Emory Toolbox is a trademark of Emory University.    AdreView, Xeleris, DaTscan, Vizamyl and GE are trademarks of General Electric Company.
Amyvid is a trademark of Eli Lilly and Company.    NeuraCeq is a trademark of Piramal Imaging.    ImageGuide is a trademark of the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology.   
PYLARIFY  AI    is a Trademark of Lantheus Holdings, Inc.

Syntermed medical devices have received FDA (Quality System Records/Pre-Market Notfication) 510(k) clearance and European Union (ISO 13485:2016 FM 670241/CE Mark 696491) regulations. See eIFU for ECTb and NeuroQ.

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